Lines and Designs.art

by Ray Mayfield
Ray Mayfield

When people ask what I do for a living, I usually tell them I am a “Has Been” because I “has been” just about everything. Cowboy, operations & maintenance worker, contractor, historic restoration and reconstruction specialist, bioremediation technician, graphic artist, blacksmith, and most recently and the very best of all … “Retired”.

I am a self taught artist. I began with doodles along the margins of long letters I wrote to my family as a young man, from my old Sheep Camp that I called home miles away from civilization.

When life got busy after moving to town, marrying my “little school ma’rm” and raising a family, I seldom made time for artwork. Eventually however, the desire to draw returned once again. My wife and I were equally surprised at the dramatic change with maturity, in artistic style and ability.

I started with pencil and eventually moved into ink when I discovered artwork that was created with a fascinating technique called “stippling, or pointilism”, in which entire designs are completed with tiny little dots, placed one-at-a-time upon the page. I found this style of artwork very satisfying and a wonderful way to unwind and get “lost” within the artwork itself.

I have also become a detail-a-holic in my designs. Creating entire works of art one-dot-at-a-time has taught me a lot about myself. As I have prayed for direction and understanding with this renewed talent, the Lord has taught me a lot about patience and faith. I know without a doubt where my talent comes from and for that I am most thankful. It is comforting now to hunker down quietly and carefully place each tiny dot on the page , knowing deep within that all that is required of me at this time, is just to hold the pen.

My prayer for you is that these designs touch your life in some special way as creating them has certainly touched mine.

Jane Mayfield:

As the spouse of an artist, I live an interesting life and wear many hats: cheerleader, critic, sounding board, gopher, advisor, companion, and friend. I also have observed the artist first hand as he prayed for and developed this artistic talent and have been amazed as the “pictures in his head” come to life on paper. Even more amazing has been the change spiritually as his faith grew from brain centered to heart centered and the changes it made in him, in our family, and in the lives of others. Ray’s artwork speaks to hearts and spirits as well as the eyes!